The Retirement Bridge Group is the UK’s biggest administrator of Home Reversion Plans
We currently manage in the region of 2,000 plans
For your peace of mind, Retirement Bridge Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) We are also proud to be a member of the Equity Release Council
The Retirement Bridge Group comprise of various companies who provide and manage home reversion plans.
Retirement Bridge Management Limited administers all our home reversion plans. If you are an existing client your home reversion plan may have been provided by another company in the Group. To see the full list of subsidiary companies click here.
Our team is made up of experienced and highly knowledgeable staff who are there to support you throughout the term of your plan. To find out more about our team click here.
We have a number of FAQs to address any questions or concerns you may have, please click on the link below, however if you would prefer to speak to one of team please contact us on 0800 032 2118.